Monday, June 11, 2012

Building a Youth Camp

We had two weeks at IWU before we headed out for camps.  Those two weeks were hard, but amazing.  The first week was training.  Mark Atkinson was with us to share much of what he knows about camp.  It was an awesome time to talk about some of what is in store for us this summer.  During these 4 or 5 days, we got to know the other teams a little bit, just like we did last year.

But this year, we got to know the other teams so much better because of the second week.  We would get coffee together in the morning, eat PB&J for lunch together, go out to dinner together, and hang out all evening together.  The times that best helped me get to know the teams were each morning when the CIA teams would get together to pray for each other.  In the evening we would do the same as well.  To hear specific prayer requests, praises, and concerns for the summer gave me ways that I could better pray for and encourage each member.

Because one of the bands was at Wesleyan General Conference during the week, and camps hadn't started yet, we got to help Fairmount Camp get ready for their camps.  If ever we were going to learn about doing the thankless jobs, it would be during this service project.  We washed dishes, painted trashcans, painted fire hydrants, painted bathrooms, made beds, cleaned out deep freezers and fryers, cut down branches, weed-wacked, put in insulation, put up dry wall, and found a gas line. While each of those sometimes seemed meaningless, we knew we were making it possible for teens to meet Jesus in the weeks following.  We ended each day exhausted and ready for a relaxing night.  I was so proud of Team Shine.  Even when they were away from the rest of the workers, working on a less-than-exciting job, Samuel, Leslie, and Dayne never complained or quit working. They continued to do their best to serve the camp.  This week of service with my team makes me so excited to serve with them for the next seven weeks of camp.  

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